
The participation fee covers rally fee and accommodation with hotel/camp services. Please, split the fee to two payments. The participant fee was reduced, please pay all bank charges.

1st payment

rally fee

Due date: 20th May 2016

CZK 5,500.00 per person
(five thousand five hundred Czech crowns)

IBAN: CZ96 0300 0000 0002 7082 3621


Bank charges: OUR

Sort code: 22062016

Payment purpose (note): names of participants

BANK: CSOB a. s.

Address: nam. T. G. Masaryka 80, 544 01 Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Czech Republic

Account holder: Veteran Car Club Dvur Kralove nad Labem

Address: Tyrsova 557, 544 01 Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Czech Republic


Amount: 11,000.00

Currency: CZK

IBAN: CZ96 0300 0000 0002 7082 3621


BANK: CSOB a. s.

Country: Czech Republic

Bank charges: OUR

Sort code: 22062016

Account holder: Veteran Car Club Dvur Kralove nad Labem

Country: Czech Republic

Payment purpose (note): Jan Novak and Jana Novakova

2nd payment

accommodation and hotel/camp/zoo services

Due date: 20th May 2016

CZK 6,000.00 per person (hotel accommodation)
(six thousand Czech crowns)
CZK 4,000.00 per person (accommodation in camp - own camper or tent)
(four thousand Czech crowns)

IBAN: CZ15 0300 0000 0002 6439 3979


Bank charges: OUR

Sort code: 22062016

Payment purpose (note): names of participants

BANK: CSOB a. s.

Address: nam. T. G. Masaryka 80, 544 01 Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Czech Republic

Account holder: ZOO Dvur Kralove a. s.

Address: Stefanikova 1029, 544 01 Dvur Kralove nad Labem, Czech Republic


Amount: 12,000.00

Currency: CZK

IBAN: CZ15 0300 0000 0002 6439 3979


BANK: CSOB a. s.

Country: Czech Republic

Bank charges: OUR

Sort code: 22062016

Account holder: ZOO Dvur Kralove a. s.

Country: Czech Republic

Payment purpose (note): Jan Novak and Jana Novakova


Hotel accommodation: CZK 11,500.00 (5,500.00 + 6,000.00) per person + transaction fee.

Accommodation in camp: CZK 9,500.00 (5,500.00 + 4,000.00) per person + transaction fee.

You will receive invoices (from Veteran Car Club Dvur Kralove nad Labem z. s. and ZOO Dvur Kralove a. s.) at registration desk in Dvur Kralove nad Labem on 22nd June 2016.